Thursday, May 04, 2006

There are two individuals at work, demographically poles apart, whose idea of personal space differs vastly from Peter's and mine. One of these individuals conducts conversations from an inter-facial distance of not less than 7 centimetres. The other isn't quite as bad in that regard, only has the habit of suddenly and surprisingly touching one - for example, a quick and friendly clap on the back, punch on the shoulder, or squeeze of the thigh. The only reliable defense is to conduct conversations with these two remaining strictly seated at all times. Preferably, on opposite sides of a large desk. A standing conversation usually involves me backing away in alarm until I am trapped against a wall with nowhere to move. Peter has learnt not to budge in these situations. He says it is from growing up familiar with horses. Retreating from an advancing horse will only encourage it to advance further. You've just got to stand your ground.

1 comment:

Annalise said...

Thigh squeezing? Eek!