Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Gah. Trying to shake off another black mood. I am sick to death of builders, decisions, and spending money. I want my house back.

And work is terribly unsatisfying at the moment. It does tend to go up and down though, so I need to keep it in perspective, especially since we now have a bond again.

We had a nice weekend. We met up with some friends who moved to Joburg last year - went to see Grease with them on Thursday night and met up with them at Scottburgh on Sunday. Margaret (who is a very popular aunt) baby-sat for us on Thursday night (her debut performance with all three kids and a full bedtime routine). Everything went flawlessly. Even though the show didn't pack quite the vibe we were hoping for, it was quite a fun evening. We all enjoyed the day at the beach. The kids all get on very well. They also have two girls and a boy. Daniel had fun being rough-and-tumbly with Robert (who at 2 and a half is starting to socialise a bit now). All the kids had fun poking around the rock pools. There is nothing quite like the beach to both entertain and soothe.

Saturday was spent doing house things (choosing a carpet for Robyn's new room, choosing some light fittings and kitchen appliances). The kids were very patient and pleasant, which made a nice change as they were totally awful on the previous few Saturday mornings (which were also spent doing house things). In all fairness, it does get pretty boring staring at floor samples for hours, and there has been a lot of house stuff the last two months.

This Saturday will be one oin which we definitely don't do any house things. It's Robyn's birthday. It happens to coincide with her school Fun Day and Big Walk, so the first part of the morning will see us walking around Kloof with other families from school. We'll spend the rest of the morning at her Fun Day, and then we plan to spend the afternoon at the Durban ice rink (kids have never skated before), and then have supper somewhere yummy (Robyn's choice).

I'm whiling away time here until I can leave. The project I was supposed to be working on has been shelved and a) I have nothing concrete to work on and b) I feel totally uninspired. I plan to pick up Lauren and Daniel just now and take them to buy presents for Robs before we pick her up from sport just before 2. We are going to meet up with some friends at the local park for some head-clearing fresh air. This will be a good thing as these days, afternoons spent at the house (what there is of it) usually end with most of us being in a bad mood.

1 comment:

Annalise said...

Hope Robyn had a lovely day! Please give her our love.

What is the Durban icerink like these days? I have fond memories of it.