Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Just arrived at work and enjoying the first coffee of the morning. Life feels good. At the right of my keyboard is a container of snacks Peter put together for me this morning. He has started making snacks for us when he makes the kids lunches in the morning. Today I have crackers, dried fruit, nuts, a naartjie, and a rather decadent fruit yoghurt (our favourite sort where the fruity stuff is at the bottom and the plain yoghurt is on top). Just beyond the lunch box is a picture of Robyn and Danny ankle-deep in a berg stream, in matching cossies (those sunsuit thingies) and caps (my boss and mini-me picture). Next to them is a picture of Lauren blowing bubbles. Dashing past her in the foreground is her cousin Miko, running with his arms up in the air, and behind her are the gentle rolling hills of the KZN midlands.

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