Friday, August 18, 2006

Peter drove home on Wednesday night in a shiny new car. The company has a new car scheme, and it's structured so that you drive the car for four years, (unfortunately pay perks tax every month), and at the end of four years you get the car to keep or sell (again, pay tax on the value of the car at that time). Still, it works out cheaper than buying a new car yourself, and it's quite good timing as we probably wouldn't otherwise be buying Peter a new car at the moment with the bond as it is.

Now the rest of the management layer bought boring responsible stuff like Audis and BMs (though one up and coming, er, young man, bought a total monster), and Peter's car has caused quite a stir. According to Peter, it's a nice balance between a sensible car and a fun car. I think he is half right.

It's very vroomy looking and sounding, though ingeniously very fuel efficient. Everything my quiet, roomy, purring, seven-seater, full-of-booster-seats, spoiler-less, mag-wheel-less, Renault (which I totally adore) isn't, in other words.

As a concession to the reality of family, Peter's new car does have rear doors. But they're cleverly disguised to make the car resemble a sporty sexy two-door.

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