Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not much good to say about having a broken foot, except that it may have nudged this blog back from the black hole.

When I was about 10 I was desperate to break something and have a cast embellished with super cool autographs and inscriptions. I have to admit it is a lot less fun than I thought it would be.

If I were in the US a big dilemma at the moment would be deciding whom to sue. It's surely a toss up between Renault and the company formerly known as Computer Management.

Argument 1:
I wouldn't have broken my foot if I hadn't fallen off the curb near the office at lunchtime on Thursday. I wouldn't have fallen off the curb near the office at lunchtime on Thursday if I hadn't been trying to catch up with Peter who had come to pick me up, not knowing quite where from. I wouldn't have been trying to catch up with Peter who had come to pick me up, not knowing quite where from, if I had had my own car with me. I would have had my own car with me if it hadn't been at the service centre. It wouldn't have been at the service centre if the Renault CD player hadn't packed up. The Renault CD player wouldn't have packed up if it wasn't a piece of rubbish.

Argument 2:
I wouldn't have broken my foot if I hadn't fallen off the curb near the office at lunchtime on Thursday. I wouldn't have fallen off the curb near the office at lunchtime on Thursday if I hadn't been trying to catch up with Peter who had come to pick me up, not knowing quite where from. I wouldn't have been trying to catch up with Peter who had come to pick me up, not knowing quite where from, if I had not been working offsite. I wouldn't have been working offsite if the company formerly known as Computer Management hadn't sent me there.

Or maybe I'd end up having to sue myself for a) buying a Renault or b) getting a job in the first place.

Ah well.

The timing of this is incredibly annoying with the summer holidays almost upon us. No swimming, beaching, skating, hiking, riding, etc, etc. It has to be on for six weeks, or if I am "a bad patient maybe four weeks and then a 'moonboot' for two." I have every intention of being a bad patient.

The pain from the actual break is not too bad now. Today I went from two crutches to mostly one. The killing thing, though, is the itching-rubbing-aching-swelling-burning from the cast. Nobody'd better make off with the only 30cm ruler in the house as it is now my scratcher. Scratching inside the cast is heavenly until you stop, then it hurts like the blazes because you've overdone it. The only solution is not to stop.

Did You Know (I didn't): To walk with one crutch (assuming you can put the foot down but not put much weight on it) you need to have the crutch in the opposite hand to the bad foot.

The girls have tried this and appear totally spastic. They do find it fun to hop around with the pair though. From time to time I'll want to get up after sitting down for a few minutes, look around for my crutches, and spot them halfway across the house collapsed to about two feet long.

A closing note on my toes (which are now permanently swollen to a greater or lesser degree, and to which I have been paying an inordinate amount of attention over the last five days): I have never been very keen on my extremely long, skinny toes. A friend of my father-in-law's (don't ask) once kindly described them as prehensile. Or was it reptilian? However, as the owner now of only one such prehensile, reptilian-toed foot, I have come to the conclusion that extremely long skinny reptilian prehensile toes are in fact far preferable to extremely long fat pudgy puffy toes.

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