Tuesday, June 12, 2007

If you're not in the country you may not have heard about the public servants strike which is now in its 12th day. Virtually all schools are closed now. The girls' school was one of those which initially took a decision not to join the strike (though our school had decided to cancel afternoon extra-murals to show a measure of support). On Wednesday last week at 9.30 we suddenly had to come and fetch our children as messages had been received about schooling being disrupted by protestors unless the other schools closed. So all remaining government schools closed down last week. Now this week even the private schools are closing due to the pressure from the unions.

I am amazed how effective and orderly this strike has been. Although there are now mutterings and rumours of things becoming violent (there are always rumours), to date it has been largely orderly and efficient and extremely systematic and well executed.

The girls are desperate to get back to school. I have been leaving them some pseudo school work to do (maths, reading, language, art suggestions) to try and keep them busy but it is impossible to do anything very interesting with them, not being there myself. Just Robyn's luck for a strike to happen the first year she starts to enjoy school. After five years of disliking or tolerating school (first preschool, then grade 1 and 2), she is now, to our amazement, positively inspired and enthusiastic. Lauren has been blazing trails through some maths worksheets which are way more advanced than what she does at school. Though she never says she is bored at school I can't help but wonder how this is possible or whether it can last.

Sunday was Robyn's 9th birthday. For her family birthday outing she chose a movie and supper at Spur. It is so sweet how excited the other siblings get when one of them has a birthday and how much they love choosing and giving presents. Robbie's presents were several lego sets, a swingball set, a junior version of 30 Seconds, and a craft set for making bead creatures.

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