Thursday, November 22, 2007

We've booked the op - but for Thursday next week now. It turns out I need to arrive the afternoon before, and Monday afternoon would have meant missing Danny's Christmas concert.

So Wednesday lunchtime for Thursday it is.

And now we just wait.

And, between now and Monday, attend three kids' birthday parties and four end-of-year kids' events.

And try to convince Stephen that formula is not in fact, toxic waste.

I'm baffled why someone would formula feed from choice. What a pain it is.

Just for fun, yesterday afternoon I had a quick root canal done that I've been putting off for months. We thought it a good idea to get it out of the way in case it suddenly turned nastier.

I am switching dentists to this guy. He gave me a very late appointment even though I'd never been before. Fantastic dentist too. Absolutely no pain anymore.

Earlier in the day, I tried to get an appointment at our normal dental practice:

Me: I need a root canal done as urgently as possible, please.
Receptionist: Certainly. Tuesday three weeks time?
Me: Well it's kind of an emergency.
Receptionist: Mmm hmmm?
Me: Yes I'm having surgery next week and we don't want any chance of an infection.
Receptionist: Oh, what sort of surgery?
Me: Brain surgery.
Receptionist: I'm afraid we really have nothing earlier.


Anonymous said...

I wish I was living near to you then I could feed Stephen for you.

Funny, I never thought that I would offer to be a wet nurse. Do you think they still exist or is there another fancier name?

Annalise said...

Both Bobby and I are wondering just what type of surgery might have made you eligible for an emergency slot! I hope the IBCLC and/or Jane can help you ...