Saturday, December 01, 2007

Brief update as I'm really, really tired.

The MRI went smoothly this time, and Stephen and I suffered no ill effects from his having bottles of expressed milk for 24 hours.

The MRI showed a lesion on my spinal cord which must be causing my problem.

Unfortunately the doctor is unsure at this stage what has caused it, and so (sigh) will probably be doing more tests. (I am grateful for his thoroughness but sick of tests.) I have an appointment on Monday to discuss it further (we talked on the phone only on Friday afternoon while Peter and I were Christmas shopping in a busy mall - so we don't have much detail yet).

I'm anxious but trying to be positive. I think things are still improving. Though the sensations are still very unpleasant, my arm and hand are more functional. Tonight I bathed Stephen for the first time since this started and I just realised that I am typing with two hands!

The kids are on their long summer holidays now and are making plans of things they want to do. Hopefully this thing won't take up too many more days as all I want to do is enjoy the long hot summer days with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry for the more tests, but fantastic that it looks like you've successfully avoided brain surgery and are continuing to improve!!