Thursday, August 03, 2006

Large drama this morning. Last term Robyn was incredibly organised and always packed her school bag the night before, so that she was never caught out without recorder, PE clothes, sports kit or homework bag. Since the building chaos, I've not got around to putting up a new copy of her weekly schedule, and as a result she's got out of the habit of thinking about the morning. To trim a long story to medium length, when she came to hunt around for her PE top (yellow golf shirt) this morning it had 'disappeared'. After a long hunt around her room we discovered it was, at 7.15am, churning round and round in the washing machine. There followed tears and drama, with an agonising decision to be made:

Option A: Take a non-regulation tee-shirt (mostly white, with black print), be the Only One with a Different Shirt and Get Into Trouble and Lose Table Points.

Option B: 'Forget' PE kit entirely and Get Into More Trouble and Lose More Table Points but at least Not Look Funny.

She's got the clothes in her bag, but I'm not sure what she'll decide to do.

I remember that sort of agony. I just don't remember it at age 8.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Robyn. I hope it all turned out not as hideous as she feared. Ugh, table points - that is the sort of thing I just hate about school. That and silly uniform rules!

fwiw, Soph would have been just as freaked out about the t-shirt problem.