Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today's drive to work was long and wet. I did, however, hear the following entertaining snippet on the radio:

Presenter: So Bob, here's your starter question. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
Bob: Oooh, gosh, that's a hard one.
Presenter: Er, been in the news a lot recently?
Bob: Nope. I'm afraid I just don't know that one.
Presenter: Great Britain, also known as the United Kingdom? England?
Bob: No idea, I'm afraid. Maybe next time.

In your dreams, Bob.

So today as I said is cold and drizzly. We had a lovely weekend though. We went to Midmar with Janine and her husband and the kids on the Saturday. We had a wonderful day picnicing, lying around and drinking chilled wine. The kids had a fantastic time too and did a lot of playing on the shoreline and riding their bikes up and down. There was a broken bit of old slipway and they had enormous fun disassembling it. There is a nice amount of space for bike riding there - you can ride quite a distance along the shore line and also along the road through the reserve. I wished I had my bike already!

We hired a halcat for a few hours and it spent almost the entire time out on the water. There were nine of us so we rotated with different combinations of us sailing and the rest on the shore. The last sail of the day was particularly cool as the wind got up to a feisty little breeze and Peter, Lauren and I were skudding along the water. Lauren particularly loved the sailing, and had as many turns as she could. The other big highlight for the kids was playing Boat, Boat on the halcat as it sat parked on the shoreline for half an hour between cruises. In fact, the reason we stopped the sailing for half an hour was because Robyn was begging to play Boat, Boat. This is just one of a series of popular games among the kids, and all their friends, it seems. Other variants are Baby, Baby, and Horse, Horse, and Cat, Cat, to name just a few.

I was feeling too lazy to take pictures. Janine took some however, so I should be able to post some pics eventually. It was such a perfect day. Janine had to stay out of the sun mostly, because of the chemo, but did go out on the boat when it was cooler. Since the chemo, her skin looks different - sort of thin and fragile, somehow. Still she is coping amazingly well.

On Sunday after doing some weekend chores we had lunch in the garden. Peter cooked us a delicious lunch on the fire - chops and mini-wors, and potatoes, butternut and onions cooked in the embers in foil. It was absolutely delicious, and as an added perk, afterwards you just throw all the mess away. We then had an intense game of cricket with the kids. We use a plastic ball, which must weigh all of a gram, and yet it still manages to elicit screams of agony when making contact with a child. The neighbours must think ritual beating takes place at our house every weekend.

And we finished the day off by watching episode two of the first South African Survivor together.

In other news, the curtains are coming today! Yee-haw!

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