- Robyn baked four dozen cupcakes.
- The kids iced four dozen cupcakes.
- The kids ate three dozen cupcakes.
- Peter got one pink eye (a decidedly un-nice part of the weekend).
- I felt guilty about the above.
- We played Cluedo.
- Peter and the kids printed out photos.
- Lauren painted a wooden dolls' house she is making from a kit.
- There was an A1 Race in Durban.
- Patriotically, I watched some of it on TV.
- Motor racing does not do it for me.
- The kids and I painted the inside of the Wendy House, very nearly completed by my dad.
- Shortly after starting this project a decision was made to paint the floor too.
- Though not finished, it is looking rather colourful in the Wendy House now.
- My bath was also very colourful shortly afterwards.
- I read most of a Penelope Lively book.
- I remember enjoying her books as a child but for some reason have not discovered her fiction for adults.
- I also finished 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith.
- He is one of my favourite authors.
- I jumped on the trampoline with Danny.
- The kids swam together for an idyllic few hours.
- I helped Robyn research Natalie Du Toit for a sports-themed school mini-project.
- Robyn found Natalie's story quite upsetting.
- We spoke about courage and adversity and attitudes towards people with disabilities.
- We watched Sense and Sensibility.
- Also Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
- The car of my childhood was named Bang Bang Chitty Chitty after the movie.
- My dad still drives it.
- It is 42 years old.
- I just realised I forget to buy more make-up.
- I have no make-up left.
- Except some potentially pink-eye-infected mascara.
- I am not desperate enough to use this.
- Peter is nagging me to go to bed.
- However, it is hard to take this advice seriously as I can still hear the TV.
- Peter considers it compulsory to check all available channels before turning in for the night.
- And I, in my advanced state of personal maturity, am going to bed.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
It was a nice weekend, at home, in which
Which Penelope Lively book are you reading? I like her writing too.
Treasures of Time.
In fact it was your mention of her books in your blog that rang a bell with me.
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