Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sigh, sick.

Blech. Am thoroughly sick of being sick. Days since last bike ride: 12. Can almost see muscles atrophying while this stupid sinusitis dawdles on. I have antibiotics with the most catastrophic side-effects. They taste foul too - taking one is like swallowing an entire hospital wing. Two hospital wings, actually, since it's two tablets at a time.

Life gallops on at an unnerving pace. Synchronising six people's lives can be somewhat daunting.

Actually 12 days since my last real bike ride, but just over a week ago, the Sunday before last, the girls and I took part in the Amashova fun ride from Hillcrest to Durban - easy-peasy 38km road ride in which you practically free-wheel the first 30km into Durban. It's a fun ride which piggy-backs on the real Amashova race from Maritzburg to Durban. It was fun, though I think 30km downhill in the misty, cool morning was what turned a moderate cold into sinusitis-from-hell. The girls thought it very cool cycling down the freeway into Durban (the route is totally closed to cars for the duration of the event). I only wish I'd taken Danny too - just didn't know quite how easy it would be. Next year!

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